Friday 15 January 2010

Time Plan

I have thought about the times I want to finish different stages of my coursework and have shown these below:

22/01/10 = I will have found a model to take photos of by this point and will arrange to meet in a photography room for MCU shots at some point.

27/01/10 = At this stage I will be taking the pictures myself most probably using a college camera, booking a photography room to use for my MCU.

01/02/10 = By this time I will have taken all the photos I need to use and will have edited them to reduce blemishes, lighting and effects etc.

05/02/10 = My magazine front cover will be arranged and I will be starting on the Contents page and the double spread arrangements.

08/02/10 = By this date I am hoping to have completed my production so that I have the rest of the week to make amendments based on audience feedback.

12/02/10 = This is the deadline for the magazine production. I will have arranged all pages, gained feedback on them and uploaded them to my blog for analysis. Magazine will be finalised.

13/02/10 = Start work on evaluation with help from evaluation lessons in slots given each week. Will use set questions to help with evaluation.

21/02/10 = Use free time after college on Wednesday to work on Evaluation.

01/03/10 = Magazine Evaluation Draft. Will have created a draft of my Evaluation to be checked by Tristan in lesson.

05/03/10 = Magazine Evaluation Final Copy.

If I stick to this plan throughout the work I should have plenty of time to make sure all my work is to the standard I am looking for.

1 comment:

  1. This is the initial assessment of your research and planning. The mark provided here does not guarantee as specific grade (A, B, C etc) it is the mark I am recommending that we give to this work. This mark will be moderated internally by my colleagues prior to any external moderation by the exam board. Therefore, your mark could go up or down before the final grade is awarded.
    Level 3 15/20
    There is excellent research into similar products and proficient research into a potential target audience.
    There is basic organisation of models, locations, costumes or props in the timeplan.
    There is proficient work on layouts and drafting.
    There is an excellent level of care in the presentation of the research and planning
    Time management is excellent.
    The initial planning could have included more consideration of fonts and colours - - show and tell! The research into your target audience was a little limited - just asking your neighbours in the classroom was perhaps not quite as much as a level 4 candidate. However, you have very good research – some excellent analysis magazines.
